0. h3ll0 w0rld 🖖

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
Born and raised @ Balaton, Hungary.
Started my career as a backend developer at one of the largest marketing agencies in Hungary. I've designed an agency-specific git workflow and architecture with quick deployment, developed and managed over 60 high-concurrency nationwide consumer promotions, built some custom CMS based sites, created multiple IoT based fun devices (toilet occupancy indicator with funny sounds, heat generating monster-coffee-mug feeded with Instagram hashtags, DIY drone with cookie ejector...). After these fun projects, I was ready to lead 7 developers with some successful agile approach.
Currently I'm the Technology Director of feat. agency - Creative & technology driven indie communication agency from Budapest.
I'm the guy who will solve all your current and future issues. Please do not use the word impossible.
1. h16hl16h75 🚀
1.0 pr0j3c75
1.1 c0mmun17y
vite-plugin-webfont-dl -
1.2 GitHub c0n7r1bu710n5
2. 5k1ll5 ✅
3. 3xp3r13nc3 👨💻
4. 3duc4710n 🎓
4.2 University of Pannonia - Faculty of Information Technology [2009 - 2014] - Veszprém, Hungary

- Basics of natural sciences
- Economics and social sciences
- Programming module (C, C++, Java)
- System engineering module
- Information systems module
- Laboratory exercises
4.1 Táncsics Mihály Secondary Grammar School [2005 - 2009] - Kaposvár, Hungary

- 97% IT matura
- Elevated levels of IT matura
5. m15c 🗿
5.0 c0mp371710n5
1st place on VIII. University of Pannonia - 24-hour Programming Competition
The subject of the competition was a client program which had an AI.
The players were hunting each other in a virtual paintball game on multiple unknown maps.
Articles: VEOL, Computerworld
5.1 c3r71f1c4710n5
- VMware vSphere Certificate [2012]
- ECDL [2009]
- Driver license [2009]
- English language exam - B2 [2008]